6 Reasons to Get Business Insurance Now
Posted: August 4, 2023

If you are wondering when the best time is to get business insurance, the answer is now. The protection it can provide is essential for your business, and some types of coverage may be required by law. The following are six reasons to purchase a business insurance policy now: Some Business Insurance Is Required by State Law Most states require small businesses to carry some...
Home Insurance for Rental Properties: What You Need to Know
Posted: August 1, 2023

Many people who own homes today rent them out to others. If you are renting out your home, whether on a short-term or a long-term basis, it is essential to understand that your homeowners insurance may not cover losses incurred while the property is being rented. The following is information about insurance coverage for renting out a residence in different scenarios. Short-Term Rentals of a...
10 Safety Tips for Boating With Dogs
Posted: July 20, 2023

Warm weather means it’s time to take the family out on the water – including your furry, four-legged family members. Whether your boat passengers have two legs or four, you’ll want to do all that you can to keep everyone safe as you sail or motor across the waves. Keep in mind these top 10 water safety tips for dogs this boating season: Train your...
How to Adjust Your Insurance Coverage for Remote Employees
Posted: July 19, 2023

After the global pandemic, more people are working remotely than ever before. While working from home during the lockdown, many employees became accustomed to the benefits, including greater work-life balance. Managers also became aware of the advantages to companies of having employees work remotely. Moving forward, it is critical to update business insurance coverage to suit the new operating basis. Why Should Business Insurance Be...
The 5 Best Boating Locations on the Great Lakes
Posted: July 19, 2023

Summer is here and now it’s finally time to have some real fun. The Great Lakes region has some of the best boating locations in the United States. Check out this roundup of the top boating locations before planning your summer getaway. Boating on the Great Lakes Saugatuck, Michigan: Saugatuck, known as Michigan’s Art Coast, is nestled on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan. The...